
Avery 8 months!

Avery turned 8 months on February 27th. Yes, this is a late post. I just can't get enough of this sweet girl. She smiles this precious smile with her mouth as big as it can go. Avery loves to be everywhere her sister, Peyton, is. If Peyton's doing something, Avery is trying her hardest to see what sister is doing. Peyton loves it and laughs at her constantly. Peyton calls her a " bobble head." This started because Avery was learning to sit up and I said, "she just keeps falling over like a bobble head." Peyton laughed so hard at that and hasn't forgotten it.
At 8 months Avery can:

-crawl. It's more like an inch worm-on her belly she uses her back legs to scoot herself forward and she uses her arms to kinda pull her body. it's really cute!

-Avery has a love for my cell phone and the t.v remote. She starts inch worming fast when these two items are in her view.

-She still plays with her feet and toes

-She goes to bed at night around 7:30 or 8 and sleeps until 5:30. A few mornings I get lucky and she falls back asleep after her morning bottle and other mornings we are playing at 5:30.

-She takes two naps during the day. Morning nap about an hour and a two hour afternoon nap.

-Starting eating a bigger variety of baby foods and started adding textured foods.

-We tried puffs and we thought she was going to choke. So, not quite ready for that yet.

-She's still a chubby baby. We love her fat legs-I could eat them up!

-loves her bouncer seat.

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