
Avery's 1st Birthday!


Your such a blessing to our family. I can't believe this year went by so incredibly fast. I tried my best to cherish the everyday moments with you. I snuggled you a lot and got down on the floor to play with you a lot and just enjoyed watching your personality grow. You have such a sweet heart. You love to be held and kissed. You do have a fun side. You love to be tickled and chased. You make us smile constantly.

You laugh at Peyton a lot and love to be where she is at every moment. You get mad when she leaves a room. You give away kisses when we least expect it but most of them go to Peyton. She loves it! You get mad at your sister, but can handle your own. You just hit her or pull hair. haha! We do laugh at you because you find it funny when Peyton gets in trouble. It's hard for us to keep a straight face when your laughing behind our backs.

Your such a good eater. You love everything. I think you get that from your daddy. I started you on whole milk this week. Your not a huge fan, but will drink it. I added some chocolate at first and you liked that a lot. That, you get from me! I love chocolate. :) You put everything in your mouth. We call you the "Averyvac." haha You have two bottom teeth and one top tooth with two more coming in on top.

You are such a great sleeper. You get up around 6 in the morning and go back down around 9:30 for about an hour. Then, you take about a two hour afternoon nap. You go down around 8 at night. We just put you in bed and your out within a few minutes. You love your crib. I've tried to put you in bed with me on over night stays and you hated it! You like your space.

Your saying "momma," "daddy," and "uh-oh." My heart melts when you say, "uh-oh." Its the cutest thing to see your little lips pucker up to say "Oh." I actually got a short video on my phone of you just saying "uh-oh."

At your 10 month doctor visit you showed some developmental delay with crawling. You had no desire to put weight on your feet. The peditration sent us to Dr. Kory at Childrens with a concern of hyper-mobility. Your super flexible. Dr. Kory noticed that your extremly strong in your back and legs and actually said you have extreme muscle tone. We then went to a physical therpist at St. vincents hospital. She told us that she was concerned with the strengh of your tendons in your hands and feet. Since our visit with her you qualified for an at home program (early intervention) where a physical thearpist comes out once a month to work with you. Dr. Amy is great and shows me things to help strenghen your tendons and joints at home. Since your 10 month visit you have showed so much improvement. You are doing the monkey crawl and your starting to walk along the couch. Also, pulling up on toys and furniture. Your so determined and brave.

Avery, I'm so excited to celebrate your little life today. You have brought us so much joy that I can't begin share half of it.I could honestly babble all day on how precious you are and how much we love you. I thank Jesus everyday for allowing me to be your mom and for blessing me with you. I can wait to spend the rest of my life loving you!

I love you,

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